Partnerships are a beautiful thing. They are especially important for us ‘solo-preneurs’ who are often working alone. Yes, I work with others, but I don’t go to an office where I see a lot of other people every day. I commute down the hallway to my home office where I peck away at the computer until it’s time to pack the suitcase and off I go to a client site or a hotel, which is often in another city. Partnerships allow me the ‘feeling’ of working as part of a team. I first met Jim Kirkpatrick at a conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and I really liked him and his message. Later I met Jim’s partner in marriage, Wendy over the telephone and I liked her too. In the short time that we’ve worked together on offering the Kirkpatrick Business Partner Certification programs in Canada, I’ve learned a lot from Wendy and Jim about marketing courses, about partnering with others and about creating win-win arrangements for mutual benefit. I guess that’s one of the things I like about partnerships. There are always new things to learn about this crazy business of training and development and I keep running into people who are so much smarter and more experienced than me. So, what to do? Get to know them as well as possible and learn, learn, learn! However, to do that, you must stay ‘teachable’ and to do that, you must acknowledge there are things you do not know. It’s not always easy to do. It’s a fine balance between having a healthy self-regard and having humility.
More New Year’s resolution success with emotional intelligence
Conflict-resilience through coaching and emotional intelligence
Culture is grown not built
Preventing, or reversing, the turnover trend
How emotional intelligence can boost your organization’s bottom line by increasing productivity and saving money
Accelerating DEI in the workplace? You will need emotional intelligence skills
Building emotional intelligence into your company culture will give you an edge in competing for new talent
Challenging the myth that resilience is simply personal fortitude
How to bring more emotional intelligence to social media and virtual communities
Why curiosity is a power skill
Coaching with emotional intelligence
Negotiating with emotional intelligence