February Website of the Month
My pick for website of the month is http://www.executivecoachingforum.com/ This is a group of executive coaches from the Boston area who have been working together since 1999 and have amassed a great many resources that they freely give away on the site. The most impressive freebie is The Executive Coaching Handbook, which, as you will see is in it’s 4th Edition. Be sure to check out the Resources page and the incredible coaching bibliography and the tools for executives and for executives’ organizations. This site is a great demonstration of the idea that the more generous you are online, the more comes back to you in the way of “whuffie” or social capital.
Let me know what you think of this resource – oh, and send me your suggestions for future websites of the month.
More New Year’s resolution success with emotional intelligence
Conflict-resilience through coaching and emotional intelligence
Culture is grown not built
Preventing, or reversing, the turnover trend
How emotional intelligence can boost your organization’s bottom line by increasing productivity and saving money
Accelerating DEI in the workplace? You will need emotional intelligence skills
Building emotional intelligence into your company culture will give you an edge in competing for new talent
Challenging the myth that resilience is simply personal fortitude
How to bring more emotional intelligence to social media and virtual communities
Why curiosity is a power skill
Coaching with emotional intelligence
Negotiating with emotional intelligence