Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes
Do you ever feel like Bill Murray in Ground Hog Day when he walks around the corner morning after morning only to step in the same mud puddle? I sometimes feel like that with respect to making the same old mistakes over and over. It reminds me of the old saying, “nothing changes if nothing changes.” In EQ terms we might say it’s an Emotional Self-Awareness coupled with Problem Solving issue.
Apparently, Albert Einstein is credited for this great quotation, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” It’s a little like we human beings getting the same unacceptable results and yet we don’t necessarily change how we go about things. We do we do this? I think sometimes it’s because we expect that people, places and things should change and not us! It is an unrealistic expectation that people, places and things change because it lets us off the hook for making the change. We human beings don’t really like making changes, in general, and I think there’s a part of us that thinks if only people, places and things could change, then we don’t have to. This is sometimes referred to as ‘magical’ thinking and it certainly is ‘childish.’ We have to grow up and take responsibility for making the changes that have to be made in life. It sounds simple, but it sure isn’t easy.
Remember the saying, because it’s a good one, “nothing changes if nothing changes.” What changes do you have to make?
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