More New Year’s resolution success with emotional intelligence
Resolutions. Are we setting ourselves up for feeling like we’re failing?
Resolutions. Are we setting ourselves up for feeling like we’re failing?
Human resources leaders have the influence to build conflict-resilient workplaces through the training and development of emotional intelligence skills.
High performing teams are guided, mentored, and yes, coached.
The power of emotional intelligence in boosting employee retention through increased job satisfaction.
Reflections on how investing in social and emotional intelligence drives performance up and costs down.
What counts as professional skills is changing and teams are faced with rising expectations. Here’s how emotional intelligence can help.
Whether it’s understanding the market, developing innovative and thoughtful benefits packages, or ensuring your colleagues feel safe and secure, emotional intelligence skills have a lot to offer.
I would like to explore some of the consequences of minimizing the social conditions that make it so difficult for some to recover from challenges or adversity. Let’s take a deeper look at some key narratives that dominate the current perspectives on resilience.
There are 34.27 million users of social media in Canada this year, and this number is projected to increase to 28.93 million by 2027.
Around here we have a curious habit. We have a curiosity habit.
EQ Coaching is the best way we’ve found for individuals to disrupt their lifetime of habits, behaviours, and beliefs. EQ Coaching is the best way we’ve found for people to do serious emotional intelligence skills development.
Emotional intelligence skills can make a critical difference in our negotiations.
Since humans are social and emotional beings, effective human interactions require emotional skills. This explains why the performance of organizations is deeply connected to the emotional intelligence skills of their team members.
This is a webinar recording from January of 2022 on the top ten relationship mistakes leaders make.
The excitement of new EI skills can sometimes slip away as everyone starts to respond to the 150 emails that accrued. It’s hard to make a culture shift.