Journaling for Emotional Intelligence
This 30 day (or 15 week) online journaling course is an opportunity to focus on deepening your understanding of emotional intelligence skills. This one month program is an excellent way to build EI skills and create a practice of reflection through writing.
Get smarter about emotions
Structured writing course
We’ve created a curriculum so that you can focus on your writing and reflections. Follow our prompts and find out what happens when you explore your thoughts and emotions through writing. You get:

What will the course be like?
- A week before the course starts, you’ll receive a welcome package with your first writing prompt and course guidelines.
- Each day for 30 days you will receive an email with the writing prompt. Alternatively, you can opt for a writing prompt twice a week for 15 weeks.
- We recommend you plan ahead for when and how long you’ll write. This can be whatever amount of time fits your interests and schedule. Whether you write for 5 minutes or 20 minutes or 40 minutes, you will create space for reflection and learning.
Created by Rebecca Cory, MA, ACC
Rebecca Cory has a Masters degree in Leadership and Adult Education from the University of Victoria. She is certified to use the EQ-i 2.0 / EQ 360 as well she is an ACC Coach through the International Coach Federation. Rebecca loves to write and create. And she loves to support others to express themselves through writing and creativity.
“There’s something powerful about taking time, to reflect, to be with my own thoughts. I discover things I didn’t know I thought or felt. It’s rare to express thoughts and feelings without interruption. I also love reading what other people write. I’ve been an avid reader my whole life, I love getting a glimpse into other people’s thoughts, feelings, worldview. In writing courses, I love the opportunity to witness the immediacy of the ideas and emotions that people are exploring.”
– Rebecca Cory
“The scariest moment is always just before you start. After that, things can only get better.”
Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
Practice authenticity
Being more authentic with ourselves and in our relationships allows us to foster more nourishing relationships.
Build empathy
Reading the words and stories of others in the group allows us to have greater insight and empathy about the different (and similar) ways others experience the world.
Get grounded
Taking time each day to slow down and articulate your own thoughts helps us be more grounded, more calm and decreases our stress.
More focus
This is a structured opportunity to cultivate mindfulness and focus in a supportive and facilitated community.
More nuanced expression
Develop your capacity to name and express your experience, with greater ease and nuance.
More connection
Connect with others through sharing your writing. And develop skills to help you connect with friends and family.
Get smarter about emotions
Thinking about emotions through regular writing will enhance your emotional intelligence.
Course details
Each course runs for 30 days or 15 weeks.
Enroll now to join the next course
The course is available for $90.
Discount for EITC alumni
Alumni of any EITC course or offering can take this course for 20% off. Email crystal [at] eitrainingcompany [dot] com for your coupon code!
We also have a limited number of full tuition scholarships available for each course. If you would like to take this course but the cost is getting in the way, please send an email to rebecca [at] eitrainingcompany [dot] com with a short paragraph about why you want to participate in this writing course.

Some Frequently Asked Questions about the Writing for Emotional Intelligence Course
What model of Emotional Intelligence do you use?
We use the EQ-i 2.0 model, based on the research of Reuven Bar-On. This model has 15 skills grouped into 5 composites. This course is designed to explore emotions and emotional intelligence competencies through your own writing. So there won’t be lessons on each competency, but there will be questions and perspectives from different authors that will invite us to reflect on how different emotions show up in our lives and how our own emotional operating system is working.
Emotions can be scary. Will this course force me to confront scary emotions?
No! You get to chose. You can chose how deeply you want to explore and how much you want to share.
Do I have to share my writing?
No, you don’t have to share any of your writing. You get to choose how much and how often you share in your community. We have seen how powerful it can be for people to share their writing and have their words be witnessed by others, so we encourage you to gather your bravery and share your words with people in your life. We’re pretty sure you’ll be surprised by how good it feels. However, sharing is only powerful when you choose it.
What are the prompts like?
The prompts have all been carefully crafted to invite you to explore your own thoughts, emotions, beliefs and stories. Each prompt has several different perspectives and questions on a theme and you can choose to start your writing from any part of the prompt.
Am I giving up copyright to my writing?
No. You retain all copyright to your own writing. Copyright for the writing prompts is held by Rebecca Cory and the Emotional Intelligence Training Company.
Have more questions? Contact the facilitator.
“A word after a word after a word is power.”
Margaret Atwood, “Spelling,” True Stories