A radio interview with David Cory, from the archive

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Here’s an interview with Kaj Gyr with Radio Nelson that we pulled out of the archive. David Cory gets a chance to talk about emotions, the difference between emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence skills, and the way these phenomena relate to successful functioning.

One interesting example that comes up is the common human experience of asking if someone is feeling angry, only to have them strongly, and angrily, deny it. Listen to the interview:

If the player above doesn’t work for you, try this: David Cory Interview with Kaj Gyr.

Thank you to Radio Nelson.

Two art pieces in black and white are displayed onto sand and light sage coloured backgrounds and they look complementary.

Coaching with emotional intelligence

EQ Coaching is the best way we’ve found for individuals to disrupt their lifetime of habits, behaviours, and beliefs. EQ Coaching is the best way we’ve found for people to do serious emotional intelligence skills development. 

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