Accelerating DEI in the workplace? You will need emotional intelligence skills
What counts as professional skills is changing and teams are faced with rising expectations. Here’s how emotional intelligence can help.
What counts as professional skills is changing and teams are faced with rising expectations. Here’s how emotional intelligence can help.
Around here we have a curious habit. We have a curiosity habit.
Emotional intelligence skills can make a critical difference in our negotiations.
The pandemic has required us to have a hyper-focus on the safety of ourselves, our families and our communities. At the same time, we have witnessed enormous and painful social upheaval and human suffering on a global scale.
EQ certification and training has completely transformed both my personal and professional life. Working in Human Resources and more specifically labour relations, I deal with conflict every day. This training has allowed me the ability to be more inquisitive and less positional.
Andrea Gillespie is a champion of the self-perception composite, specifically within the emotional self-awareness sub-scale. It was a long and winding road that she endured to learn this skill. Her quest for self-worth is a hero’s journey and is ongoing.
We are thinking about all of you and hope you and your communities are able to stay safe. We are inspired by the efforts of everyone stop the spread of COVID-19. We are grateful for our tireless healthcare workers…
Our desire to problem solve might come from empathy, but it doesn’t express empathy. We struggle to see someone we love and care about in pain…
Courage is not just about superheroes; it is personal and is found in everyday interactions and situations. It is the willingness to face agony, pain, intimidation or uncertainty, even when we are reluctant or fearful. And it’s essential to leadership.
We don’t make up these judgments. Dominant social discourses depict women as struggling with low self-esteem, imperfect bodies and flawed personalities. There are multi-billion dollar ‘beauty’ and self-help industries designed to ‘fix’…
I finally took a look at the leadership institute that Google provides to its employees, and also to the public, called Search Inside Yourself and what I found is pretty inspiring…
Beth Dean is an accomplished designer and is working with Facebook (on authenticity and transparency) – she has also taken some extra time to elaborate on her thoughts on emotional intelligence in design…
Join David and Kim for a thirty minute conversation on Empathy. Empathy is the second competency in the Interpersonal composite…
2015 is a new beginning – Sherwin reflects on the how certain terms can be alienating …
I really enjoy Instagram. I get joy from posting photos to Instagram and also from seeing the photos that other folks are posting. Like other social media, I’m a bit of a late adopter. I’ve discovered that there are ways to be on Instagram with more and less emotional intelligence…