Notes from the field

City of Toronto skyline on a sunny blue day.

We have had a wonderful string of certification courses this year in Toronto, San Francisco, and Vancouver. I’ve met and worked with some fabulous people and it has spun off into additional courses and projects. We’re bringing the cert course to Chicago, hosted by St. Xavier University as a result of a course participant and we’ll be putting together proposals for additional business in collaboration with other cert course participants. I just love the cert course for meeting incredible individuals who I can learn so much from – and even work with. We also had some great EQ Networking meetings in Toronto and San Francisco – I just ran out of steam for the Vancouver EQ Networking meeting, but we will be sure to ‘over-do’ it for the next EQ Networking Meeting in Vancouver in July. Remember, we try to have them at 5:00 pm on the second day of each certification course in all the cities where we host courses and all who are interested are invited. I’m really looking forward to the Ottawa EQ Networking meeting March 24th.

Are you twittering? Sign up at and ‘follow me’ – I’ll ‘follow you’ right back. So far, it’s more fun than FaceBook, just because it’s much quicker and easier. Try it.

Lily Zeng and I just had our joint speakers’ proposal accepted at the International Conference on Emotional Intelligence this June 29-30 and if you are going to be in attendance, we will see you there!

EQ-360 Certification Course Teleclass April 17th, 2009* 9-noon PST Must have EQ-i Certification as the pre-requisite. For $650CAD you get an EQ-360 on yourself, an EQ-360 on a person of your choosing, and then 2 complimentary EQ-360 uses (at $200/ea that’s a value of $800!) Simply register at

EQ-i Certification Course information: Download the new 2009 Brochure Here – I continue to brag about and you might think my perspective biased because Becky is my daughter, but I keep hearing from everyone who works with Becky and Sherwin what a pleasure it is and how brilliant they are, so it’s not just me! Speaking of Becky, she took a conference Key Note presentation on Emotional Intelligence for me in Victoria and the feedback was extremely positive. Of course! I wouldn’t have refered her if I had any doubt. ;-)

Upcoming Certification Course dates: Mar 23, 24, 25, Ottawa, April 22, 23, 24 Calgary, May 25, 26, 27 Toronto, June 22, 23, 24 San Fran, July 6, 7, 8 Vancouver, July 20, 21, 22 Ottawa, Sept 21, 22, 23 Calgary, Oct 19, 20, 21 Toronto, Nov 2, 3, 4 Vancouver, Nov 18, 19, 20 San Fran, Dec 14, 15, 16, Ottawa

Notice I cancelled Halifax. :-( Not that I don’t love Halifax – quite the opposite. I just need to be close to home in April – I’m following my heart’s advice. We’ll try Halifax again at a later date.

Two art pieces in black and white are displayed onto sand and light sage coloured backgrounds and they look complementary.

Coaching with emotional intelligence

EQ Coaching is the best way we’ve found for individuals to disrupt their lifetime of habits, behaviours, and beliefs. EQ Coaching is the best way we’ve found for people to do serious emotional intelligence skills development. 

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