Notes from Beijing
I’m currently in Beijing, China working with “EI China” on some exciting marketing and business development events. I love working with the people here, the food is fantastic, I’m learning a bit of the language, and I’m having a pretty good time, but “home is where the heart is.” I really miss my family! :-( I guess you know either that you’ve been travelling too much or that, due to certain circumstances, you should be closer to home and now is one of those times.
Probably the reason is that I’m away for 2 weeks – that’s a lot longer than my usual 3 day trips. I’m a great traveller and it’s one of the things I love about my work – that it takes me to fabulous places to work with amazing individuals and companies (the fact is that most companies that are interested in emotional intelligence are wonderful companies already ;-) Am I doing what I love? Absolutely. Am I loving my current schedule? Well, not exactly and it’s nothing to do with the country or the company I’m keeping, which is wonderful by the way ;-) It’s that I need to be with my family.
Where do you need to be? Right where you are or somewhere else?
I just finished the EQi course and am in the middle of the 360 Feedback. I really enjoyed hearing and seeing David Cory in action both in the three day training certification course and in the three hour phone conference. I am most impressed with how David handles the course content and the facilitation of the various questions that come from the participants. I am looking forward to using the resources and training provided with both my companies and the contacts derived from the connectivity. Presently, these two companies and are about mentoring, coaching and leadership training which directly involves emotional intelligence. The concepts developed and shared by David will be most useful as I link with other companies and leadership around the world. Thank you David.