EITC Update
Wow, a lot has happened since my last blog post! New website, new year, new ideas, new projects, and a new life in Calgary, Alberta. Wait, what? Why would someone move from Vancouver to Calgary? It’s not that Calgary is not a great city. It is a great city in its own right, but compared to Vancouver? As it turned out, the reason for the move to Calgary is that there was a necessary medical service required by our son here in Calgary that is not available in Vancouver. We made the move in December of last year and our son is doing well. We kept our house in Vancouver and my wife has gone back and forth between the two cities this whole time. I’m pretty much based in Calgary, for the present, with our son and we’ll see how the future unfolds. That’s the personal update.
As for the professional update, we (Klaudia, Kim, Becky, Sherwin, Ben, and me) have lots of great plans. We continue to offer the EQ-i Certification Course in many great cities and the EQ-360 Certification Course via teleclass. We are offering EQ coaching through Klaudia and Kim to our wonderful course participants in various parts of the world. Becky and Sherwin continue to offer all manner of design, communications, web, and marketing support. I like to refer to what they do as “emotionally intelligent design.” (see their website www.pinksheepmedia.com) And now Ben, the youngest Cory, has joined the team as all around administrative support. I’m still trying to convince my wife, Jill, to join the team, but she stubbornly (or is it ‘wisely’) refuses to do so. ;-)
So far, 2010 is shaping up wonderfully well with many partnerships and great clients in many parts of the world. This year work will take me to Madrid, Seattle, San Francisco, Lagos, Ottawa, Calgary, Toronto, Ghana, Johannesburg, and hopefully back to Trinidad and Beijing. More people than ever are getting their certification to use the EQ-i in advance of the release of the EQ-i 2.0, which is a very exciting new product from MHS. More on that as it becomes available.
I continue to wonder how I can better serve my clients. What types of products and services do my clients need? I’ve learned that they need products and services which can help them to make personal changes easier, better, faster, cheaper. I’ve learned that they are looking to understand the connection between EI/EQ and the bottom line better. And I’ve certainly learned that in a technical environment like the gas and oil industry in Calgary, that it’s harder to see the connection between EI/EQ and improved organizational performance – “it’s really just about the technology – isn’t it?”
I will continue to learn and I’ll continue to try to turn that learning around and pass it on to my clients. It is what gives me energy and it is my passion. Thanks for tuning in. This time, I’m going to do everything in my power to keep writing.
Hello Dave, we shared a cab in Ottawa to the airport… Your a rather interesting fellow in an intriguing business. I am going to take up your offer and make contact with you after the hectic Canada Day weekend. I would like to do lunch with you the next time your up here in Edmonton?
Sounds good, Chris, I will definitely contact you when I’m in Edmonton next. Please do the same if you’re in Calgary. Cheers, David