Emotional intelligence and leader performance: Innovation

Webinar by David Cory on Leadership Performance on Innovation

Last week David Cory hosted a webinar on leadership performance, emotional intelligence, and innovation. The recording from this webinar is below. This is the fourth webinar in our series on emotional intelligence and leadership. You can find the previous webinars from this series on our blog.

This is not the end of our webinars though and you can check out our schedule and sign up for future webinars.

In this webinar on innovation, David Cory explains that innovation is one of four leadership dimensions in the MHS Leadership Model. This model is based on the MHS model of emotional intelligence which was originally created by Dr. Reuven Bar-On.

An innovative leader focuses on taking risks, spurring colleagues’ ingenuity and autonomous thought. Knowledge is valued and challenges are viewed as learning opportunities.

The top six emotional intelligence competencies that are correlated to Innovation are:

  • Self-Actualization
  • Independence
  • Problem Solving
  • Assertiveness
  • Flexibility
  • Optimism

The first thirty minutes are David Cory talking about Innovation in the context of leadership performance, and the last half are questions and answers. Please enjoy and let us know if you have any questions!



Download our slides

Leadership and EI, Innovation, webinar slides 2017 09 22 (PDF, 1MB)

Two art pieces in black and white are displayed onto sand and light sage coloured backgrounds and they look complementary.

Coaching with emotional intelligence

EQ Coaching is the best way we’ve found for individuals to disrupt their lifetime of habits, behaviours, and beliefs. EQ Coaching is the best way we’ve found for people to do serious emotional intelligence skills development. 

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