Upcoming course: Writing for Emotional Intelligence

A typewriter sits on a desk, surrounded by other human interest artifacts, like coffee and a camera and flowers.

Happy new year!

We’ve put together a curriculum designed to help you build your emotional intelligence through writing. There are two central components to the course, daily writing prompts and an online private space to share writing. The writing prompts are detailed and complex. Most include a few different writers’ perspectives on a theme as well as some questions to jump start your writing. The online shared space will use a private Facebook group.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
– Maya Angelou

I’ve created the course, in part, because I’m interested in how so many of us live in a culture that is often uncomfortable with emotions. We’re often taught that strength means not expressing our emotions, or at least not expressing too much emotion. In this course you’ll have the space to explore those beliefs and reflect on the relationship you want to have with your own emotional expression.

This is the format. There are 30 writing prompts over 30 days. This structure allows you to reflect critically and develop emotional intelligence skills for ongoing reflection and expression. While this course does not really tackle skill development directly, we create space for you to explore the thoughts, beliefs and stories you have and these reflections are likely to open space for new actions. When we slow down and really listen to our own thoughts, we can cultivate a deeper relationship with who we are and what matters most.

This course will also be an opportunity to practice sharing. Sharing your written work can be hard sometimes. Or often! It’s a vulnerable place to be in. And it takes practice. However, sharing your writing can also be powerful. When we share our authentic selves, the connection that emerges is more authentic. And we can learn through witnessing the story of others.

If you think you can’t write, or think you don’t have anything to say, you may be surprised by what emerges when you make an intentional space for yourself. Be careful, it may be that your inner critic is stopping you before you even start!

“Oh, that voice—it is the root of so much trouble. It shows up with cruel comments, snarky jabs, and is always armed with a long list of reasons and excuses for quitting. It prevents talented people from doing amazing things, often stopping the flow of creativity before it even starts. It sits on your shoulder whispering hurtful words that plant the poisonous seeds of self-doubt. What a jerk that inner critic is.” — Danielle Krysa, Your Inner Critic is a Big Jerk: And Other Truths About Being Creative

The next course starts February 5th. Find out more about Writing for Emotional Intelligence or enroll now.

Anyone who has participated in an EITC course offering is eligible for a 20% alumni discount – please email crystal [at] eitrainingcompany [dot] com for your coupon code!

We also have a limited number of full tuition scholarships available for each course. If you would like to take this course but the cost is getting in the way, please send an email to rebecca [at] eitrainingcompany [dot] com with a short paragraph about why you want to participate in this writing course.

Two art pieces in black and white are displayed onto sand and light sage coloured backgrounds and they look complementary.

Coaching with emotional intelligence

EQ Coaching is the best way we’ve found for individuals to disrupt their lifetime of habits, behaviours, and beliefs. EQ Coaching is the best way we’ve found for people to do serious emotional intelligence skills development. 


  1. Writing for emotional intelligence is such a valuable skill! This course seems ideal for professionals looking to enhance their communication and leadership through empathy and insight.

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