Dr. Nina Ahuja and David Cory talk stress management and other EI competencies in the context of practicing medicine and Nina's new book.

Emotional intelligence in the medical world: An interview with Dr. Nina Ahuja

Dr. Ahuja is an eye surgeon based in Hamilton, Ontario. Having gotten her medical degree from McMaster University, she is currently the McMaster Ophthalmology Division Head. She is also an EQ-i 2.0® Certified Practitioner. Her book, Stress in Medicine, speaks about the unique stresses that physicians face in their line of work.

Book Review September 10, 2008

“The Brain that Changes Itself: stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science”, Norman Doige, MD 2007 This book is an extremely readable book about some very technical stuff and provides a great deal of hope for people who suffer the effects of stroke, learning disabilities, aging and other factors that affect brain functioning. The book…